AtoB@C Shipping ABs' Newbuilding program takes the next step with the launch of Ecomar


On the early morning of January 18th, the third 5,350 dwt plug-in hybrid vessel, Ecomar, was launched at Chowgule Shipyard. The outfitting, including the final painting, will continue at the outfitting quay. The launch of Ecomar paves the way for the final block assembly of the fourth vessel, Aquamar. The hull blocks of the vessel will be moved to the slipway for final assembly in the coming weeks.

“Demand for this vessel type from both existing and new clients has been high and we are eagerly waiting for the next vessels to enter service”, says Commercial Director Frida Rowland.

Currently, the shipyard has seven vessels under construction in different stages. The construction of the eighth vessel in the series commenced on December 29th with the steel-cutting ceremony.

Ecomar is expected to be delivered during the second quarter of this year. The order consists of twelve vessels, with the last delivery expected in the second quarter of 2026.

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