The laying of the first stone oF New Dam of Genoa


Laying of the first stone for the new breakwater in Genoa: the Ports of Genoa and the PERGENOVA BREAKWATER consortium led by Webuild start the works in the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini. Strategic and systemic work, integrated with the Third Pass, capable of redesigning the role of the city, of Liguria and of Italy in the international commercial routes, the New Dam will ensure a progressive annual growth of the commercial traffic of the port of Genoa between 22% and 30% from 2027 to 2030. It is also an innovative and unique work in the world for its engineering complexity, size and positive effects on the city and on the national system: it will be 6,200 meters long and will employ 1,000 people for its construction.

Genoa  Genoa is preparing to strengthen its role as a strategic hub for the Mediterranean. Today the foundation stone of the New Breakwater was laid, a unique work in the world for engineering complexity, size and positive effects on the city and on the country system. It is one of the great works of strategic value that are being carried out in Italy with funds from the PNRR, and was made possible thanks to the synergistic work of the Port System Authority, the territorial institutions and the national government. With the award last October to the PERGENOVA BREAKWATER consortium and the start of the executive design, today we arrived at the laying of the first stone, a milestone that confirms compliance with the PNRR deadlines and the completion of the first phase of the new breakwater of Genoa in 2026.

This is the largest intervention ever made for the enhancement of the Italian port system, part of the integrated system of interventions that are redesigning the maritime, road and railway accessibility of the Port of Genoa and Liguria. The new dam, which will employ 1,000 people between direct and indirect personnel, will be built by the PERGENOVA BREAKWATER consortium, led by Webuild in collaboration with Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime, Fincosit and Sidra and was commissioned by the Western Ligurian Sea Port System Authority.

The day was opened by an institutional meeting, hosted in the Sala delle Compere of Palazzo San Giorgio, with a live link for the release operations into the open sea of ​​the first casting of gravel to consolidate the seabed on which the new dam will be built. Present at the event were Sen. Matteo Salvini Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Admiral Inspector Sergio Liardo Maritime Director of Liguria, Giovanni Toti President of the Liguria Region, Marco Bucci Mayor of Genoa, Paolo Emilio Signorini President of the Sea Port System Authority Western Ligure and Extraordinary Commissioner for the work, and Pietro Salini Chief Executive Officer of Webuild. 

The new breakwater of Genoa will consolidate the role of the port system within the European corridor Rhine-Alps of the TEN-T transport network, of which the Third Pass of Giovi is also an integral part, a work that Webuild is carrying out.

The innovative construction project involves the construction of a maritime infrastructure designed to protect the docks and port structures from climate change, a real embankment to the sea. Almost all of the material from the demolition of the old dam will be reused, with a view to circular economy, reducing the environmental impacts of the construction.

The new breakwater, a unique work of its kind from an engineering point of view, will be 6,200m long in its final configuration. To build the base, which will rest on depths up to a depth of 50m, 7 million tons of rock material will be used, on which about a hundred prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons will be positioned, 35m wide, 67m long and up to 33m high (as a 10-story building).

The construction of the new dam will also allow safe access to the port for modern ships defined as Ultra large, which today are subject to limitations due to the limited maneuvering space in the historic basin built at the end of the 1930s. Once completed, the port will have an evolution basin of 800m and it will be possible to differentiate between freight and passenger and cruise traffic. This will allow the Port of Genoa to be competitive with the major European hubs and rank ever higher among those in the Mediterranean. It is estimated that the new dam will ensure a progressive annual growth of commercial traffic between 22% and 30% from 2027 to 2030, the year in which phase 2 will also be completed. The Port System Authority calculates the economic benefit at €4 .2 billion, in terms of higher revenues from container traffic,

In order to inform and make citizens participate in this historic moment for Liguria and the country, various moments open to citizens were organized by Webuild in concert with the Port System Authority and local institutions. In the Porto Antico, in Piazzale Mandraccio, and in Piazza De Ferrari, three imaginative installations will welcome those who want to participate with balloons that will lift the caissons of the dam reproduced to scale. The installations will remain suspended over the Porto Antico, at a height of 10m, for the entire afternoon, accompanied by moments dedicated to food and musical performances. From 5.30pm, one of the installations will be docked to a barge and then moved to the current dam where, at 8.30pm, a light and music show will begin, culminating in a fireworks display.

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