PLN Indonesia Power, Waves4power sign MoU Develop WaveEL Wave Power Parks in Indonesia


PLN Indonesia Power, Waves4power sign Memorandum of Understanding to Develop WaveEL™ Wave Power Parks in Indonesia

Agreement Reached During Sweden-Indonesia Sustainability Partnership Week

GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – PLN Indonesia Power and Waves4Power have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop WaveEL™ wave power parks on a large scale in Indonesia in the next few years, with a first contract estimated in 2023.

The MOU was reached during Sweden-Indonesia Sustainability Partnership Week (SISP), a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue to establish collaborations between Sweden and Indonesia to achieve the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Sweden has had similar challenges to those Indonesia now faces, such as environmental pollution, inadequate waste management systems, and a high dependency on fossil fuels. To meet the ambitious targets of the SDGs, Sweden and Indonesia have fostered collaboration and have cooperative agreements at government levels to build a more sustainable world together.

Waves4Power has been part of the Business Acceleration Programme Indonesia (BAPI) initiated by The Swedish Energy Agency and run by Business Sweden in Indonesia. Through this program, Waves4Power has established a presence in Indonesia with a local representative, PT Bina Muda Teknikatama. They have represented Waves4Power at events and meetings and identified several business opportunities for Waves4Power in Indonesia.

Pictured from left: Swedish Ambassador, Ms. Marina Berg; PT Bina Muda Teknikatama, Mr. Firdaus Wajdi and Mr. Wisnu R. Maulana; Director of Business Development of PT. Indonesia Power, Mr. Bernadus Sudarmanta; President Director of Business Sweden Indonesia, Mr. Erik Odar.

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